Golden Gaytime (ice-cream)

Golden Gaytime is an iconic ice-cream in Australia, its name survived intact despite the homosexual connotations in modern decades. The company just decided to play up the camp name with the boxes, holding the words "4 delicious chances to have a gay time."
Vergina (beer)

Pee Cola (soft drink)

A soft drink from Ghana
Ayds (diet candy)

Ayds (pronounced "AIDS") was a diet candy from the 1980s. Years later, the name would have its current meaning.
Shitto (sauce)

Shitto is an allegedly delicious Ghanaian sauce with a name that makes Americans laugh, while everyone in Ghana seems to love it.
Megapussi (potato chips)

"Megapussi" is a Finnish word for a "mega bag" and not actually the product's name.
Wack off! (insect repellent)

Australian repellent "used by the armed forces." They surely need it.
SARS (drink)

This drink from New Zealand shares its name with SARS:Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Jussipussi (bread)

So that's how Finnish bread tastes like.
Cock flavoured mix (soup)

666 (cold medicine)

Recommended by hell.
Starburst what?

Nice Pussy purr...

The brands of a cat food! Cat food or a nice beaver?
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